

Somalia joined the EAC

 Somalia became the eighth country in the region to join the East African Community (EAC) when the results of the vote came out that Somalia was approved for membership in the EAC, the flag was placed behind the seat of the presidents of the countries of the organization, followed by President Hassan, who was sitting in a chair in the front row facing the table where he was looking up at the leaders of the organization, was raised and transferred to the Somali chair of the EAC, and he then sat next to the presidents of the EAC countries.

"Today, as we open a new page in the history of Somalia, it is a great honor for me to stand before you as we officially become members of the East African Community. This is not only a reflection of our vision but a reflection of a better future, opportunities and capabilities of our society. We joined this umbrella to strengthen friendly relations, participate in joint development, and play a role in the better future of  les of the region," said President n, who delivered the first speech at the EAC summit, shoy after the country's of the organization.

What is the EAC?

It is a regional organization based in the city of Arusha in Tanzania, which wasestablished in 2000, after an agreement was reached by five of the eight countries that currently comprise it. South Sudan became a member of the EAC in September 2016, while the Democratic Republic of Congo joined the organization in April last year.

Somalia was rejected in 2016 from its application for EAC membership and applied again in 2018, which was suspended until the elections in Somalia, which resulted in the current president, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud.

After that, the president of Somalia attended the summit of this organization in the middle of June last year in the city of Arusha, in order to strengthen Somalia's demand to join the EAC. Kenya is one of the most powerful countries in the organization in terms of economy and political influence, and its support made it easy for Somalia to join the EAC.

What does Somalia benefit from joining the EAC? since Somalia's efforts to join this organization have been discussed in different ways, what Somalia will benefit from, analysts think that Somalia is not ready at this time and can harness the 300 million that this organization has united, but the special envoy who is in charge of the president of Somalia in the affairs of the East African Community, Abdisalan Omar Hadliye, sees a different view which he based on the objective of Somalia joining the EAC, he said that Somalia will have a large commercial market, while He added when he spoke to the BBC that the Somali person should ask himself "what can you sell or learn from a market of three hundred million people." In order to get an answer, he told the world today that they should ask themselves about the availability of food, and Somalia said that it has agricultural land, livestock and sea resources and it needs to find a place to sell them; The Somali community that has a large business in the countries of the union said that they will have free movement and protect their rights, the other point of benefit that he said is that Somalia needs skilled workers such as health and education, which he said Many workers can benefit from the umbrella society in addition to bringing the above products to the market in Somalia

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